The time has now arrived: the consortium of the project is delighted to extend an invitation to the Italian local film festival of the ‘D.B.Y.’ project – Directed By You(th)”, co-funded by the European Union’s CERV (Citizens, Equals, Rights and Values) programme. 

Following the filmmaking, video-editing, and graphic design workshops conducted last July, which witnessed the active involvement of 25 young individuals, we are thrilled to unveil the short films created by these young talents to the public. 

 A considerable amount of dedication, study, and technical training has gone into producing these video-documentaries addressing civic engagement issues. The screening of these videos is scheduled to take place at the white room of the CSC – Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia, located in Palermo. 

To mark this occasion, a local festival is in the works, featuring not only the participation of the young filmmakers but also involving the Centre’s director, Dr. Ivan Scinardo, high school students, professors, and members of the community. 

Save the date for the event on January 19, 2024, as it promises to be an enriching opportunity to delve into discussions on cinema, art, and society. 

Soon there will also be news from the other consortium partners, consisting of organisations from Spain, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Ireland and Austria. 

For the latest updates on the local events, feel free to follow the social profiles of the project.