The project consortium ‘D.B.Y. – Directed By YOU(th)’, co-funded by the European Union’s CERV (Citizens, Equals, Rights and Values) programme, is pleased to announce the conclusion of project activities. 

From the very beginning, the D.B.Y. project aimed to enable young people across Europe to make their voices heard through the innovative and still little-used tool of participatory documentary filmmaking. To do so, young people from Italy, Spain, Greece, Ireland, Austria, Bulgaria and Romania engaged in a series of workshops on film-making, video-editing and graphic design. At the end of these workshops, as many as 10 documentaries on civic engagement topics (available on the official YouTube channel of the project) were made and presented to the public for the first time at local festivals. The videos that were eventually rewarded by the public had the chance to compete in an international contest in Thessaloniki, Greece, under the careful evaluation of an expert jury. 

The consortium has worked with commitment, consistency and team spirit to complete the results; the implementation of the project proved to be a valuable opportunity to strengthen friendships and partnerships across Europe and allowed everyone to cherish a beautiful memory. The values of the European Union are once again exalted and become increasingly concrete. Therefore, a hope for the future that sees young people as protagonists. 

The project is over, but keep following the official social pages for more news and contents!